We deliver throughout Gauteng
We provide bulk water delivey to homes & business to meet your water needs, with a solid reputation for exceeding clients expectation and for providing prompt delivery of water supply throughout Gauteng. We mainly service suburbs surrouning Johannesbutg and Pretoria.
Out Fleet of licenced bulk water delivey tankers are made up of various sizes, our standard water tanker delivers 10,000 liters of drinking water or swimming pool water. The 10,000 liter water tanker is our recommended size as it can access almost any property without excessive load on your paving. For larger water delivey orders we can simply send multiple 10kl tankers, our 50,000 liter super tankers are mainly used for complexes during outages or dust controll on Construction sites where access ways are designed for high loading.
Our Fleet is mainly made up of 10,000 liter trucks, which means that the maximum normal water leve is 10,000 liters. We usually fill and addional 500 liters to account for spillage or leaks.
Delivered water is suitable for drinking which means it is attained from a fresh water source. We do not use bore hole water as bore hole water may damage swimming pool lining is not fit for human consumption withough additional filtration.
Water is attained from a fresh water source, we can assist client to test the water at a cost of R 1,500. Samples witll be taken at the source and sent to the laboratory for testing is a sealed clean container.
Cost may vary dependent on your location and on the volume of water procured. Normal cost in Johburg or Pretoria neighbourhoods is R 3,500 per 10,000 liters of deliverd water.
Our Water Tankers are fitted with a portable pertol pump to transfer the water from our tankers to your swimming pool. It usually takes around 30 minutes to empty a tank. Tankers can be placed up to 50m away from the off loading point.
Pumping water to fill your pool does not damage the swimming pool lining, infact it is prefered over the conventional hose pipe method. Pool can be filled within minutes instead of taking the entire day. This minimises the time that the liner is exposed to the elements and allows the water to fill uniformly. We allow the pool to gravity fill to atleast 500mm before starting the pump and the initial water is filled into a bucket and allowed to overflow slowly.